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PassPorter Disneyland Resort and Southern California Attractions -- First Edition

by Jennifer Marx and Dave Marx

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  About the authors...

Jennifer Marx discovered Disneyland while playing hookie from a writers conference in the mid-'90s. Her solo explorations took her to the Disneyland Park and the Disneyland Hotel (that's essentially all there was back then) and she was amazed to find a place so richly steeped in magic. She'd been to Walt Disney World countless times by this point, but it was only at Disneyland that she felt the presence of Walt Disney himself and sensed a deeper connection to the people that adored him. Since that fatefull visit, she's returned many times with her husband Dave and later with their son Alexander. They've added many other Southern California attractions to their itineraries over the years, too. Jennifer is the author of over 30 titles, almost half of which have been travel guides to various Disney destinations. Jennifer lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan where she makes her home with Dave and Alexander.

Dave Marx is the co-author of PassPorter Walt Disney World and PassPorter's Field Guide to the Disney Cruise Line. After a lifetime of "not knowing what I want to be when I grow up," he has finally found a satisfying answer. He has a broad professional background in print and electronic media, photography and music, and enjoys bringing nearly all his talents to bear at PassPorter. A "foodie" since his pre-teens days and a "techie" in the performing arts for many years, he takes special joy in reviewing eateries and reporting on the brilliance of Disney's Imagineers. Like so many of us, Walt Disney and his creations have been an integral part of his life since birth. A "Jersey Boy," he first visited Disneyland in the mid-'70s and envies Southern Californians their "home court advantage," but he'd rather live right where he is now, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Dave is an adoring father to teenager Allison and toddler Alexander and loving partner to Jennifer, and all of this makes him a very happy camper.

Please also read about our wonderful contributors!

Expected release date: May 15, 2006

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Pre-Order Status: We expect to begin shipping pre-orders around May 15, 2006. Generally, the earlier you pre-order, the faster you get your copy. For more information on pre-orders, please read our Pre-Order Policies.

Design magical vacations with this travel guide and planning system for Disneyland Resort and Southern California. This guidebook includes coverage of Disneyland Resort, nearby theme parks, and many popular attractions in Southern California. Fourteen built-in organizer pockets keep plans, maps, and memories all in one place, and the full-color travel guide includes everything you need to plan the perfect vacation. All Disney parks and hotels are described in depth, with ratings, floor plans, and maps. We've also included descriptions and photos of hotels near Disneyland, Los Angeles, and San Diego, as well as full coverage of the popular parks and attractions. Comprehensive information for planning, traveling, and dining is also included, along with an entire section devoted to extra-special magic. Design your vacation with the help of six planning worksheets, write your itinerary on the front of each organizer pocket before you go, store guidemaps, brochures, tickets, and receipts inside the pockets while you're there, and record expenses and memories to review and share when you return. This is the ultimate traveling companion for Disneyland and Southern California!

Formats: This guide comes in three versions. Our spiral version is least expensive with both text and pockets bound with a plastic coil. Our deluxe edition comes in our padded ring binder with 14 organizer pockets, similar to the deluxe version of our Walt Disney World guide. Our deluxe refill kit is for those who already have a deluxe ring binder and want to fill it with the text for Disneyland.

Availability: We expect to begin shipping this new edition around May 15, 2006.

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Updated 01/30/06

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