PassPorter Word of Mouse Award

This special award is given to Internet resources that support and promote PassPorter above and beyond the ordinary. This can be something as simple as writing a heartfelt review of PassPorter to something as complex as inviting us to be guests at a meet or event. Basically, this includes any method of spreading news of PassPorter by "word of mouse" (word of mouth via the Internet). We established this award to recognize those special people who embrace PassPorter and help us get the word out. And as a small company, we need all the help we can get!

Award Winners:
7/23/2000 - Joanne's Walt Disney World Site

Award Rules:

1. All current PassPorter Partners are eligible for entry. Resources may fill out this entry form for themselves, or they may nominate another resource they feel is deserving (so long as that resource is a PassPorter Partner, or invited to become one). In addition, we may nominate sites for this award ourselves.

2. Any Internet resource, whether it be a Web site, mailing list, message board, or even an informal group of fans, may enter this contest.

3. Winners for this award are chosen on a merit basis. This means when we discover deserving resources, we present the award. If you enter the contest and do not hear anything from us immediately, do not assume you won't be chosen.

4. You are welcome to re-enter for this award when you have new information to pass along about your efforts.

5. Winners are ineligible to win this award again for a 12-month period.

6. The entries will be judged by the PassPorter staff, and the decision of the judges is final.

Updated 05/12/05
  The Entry Form

Resource URL/Address: