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PassPorter Deluxe

PassPorter Deluxe Tips

There are all sorts of ways to use PassPorter Deluxe to plan and enjoy your vacation! Here are a collection of those we've discovered ourselves, and we're sure we'll add more as reader reports come in!

You can print out these tips and put them in your binder, too!

Carry Only What You Need
Thanks to the ability to add and remove pages and PassPockets, there's no need to carry anything you don't need. A good place to lighten your load is the Staying in Style chapter in the Walt Disney World guide -- keep only the pages for your resort.

Remove PassPockets While Touring
The PassPorter Binder is a bit larger than our regular version, and may seem too large to carry around the parks everyday. Instead, just remove your daily PassPocket and any pertinent pages, tuck in your bag, and off you go! You can put the PassPocket back in your binder when you return at night.

Reorganize Your Pages
Put the pages you use most, such as worksheets or your resort pages, near the front of your binder for easier access! You may also want to move your daily PassPockets to the front on the corresponding day of your vacation if you're carrying it around with you.

Add Tabs to Important Sections
You can add tabs in two ways: The first way, and most flexible, is page flags (from the same folks who make sticky notes). Just stick a flag on any page you want to mark. The second method, which is more durable, is adhesive tabs designed for file folders -- use the colored plastic ones for better visibility. You can get both page flags and adhesive tabs at your local office supply store.

Get Our Free Add-in Pages
We make our book updates available in a downloadable, printable format for you to include in your binder. We also make new worksheets, tip sheets, and fun sheets periodically -- check the Deluxe Downloads Library! You can even create a PassPorter Deluxe nameplate to put in your binder's window slot!

Add Your Own Pages

No need to bulk up your PassPockets if you've got pages that can be punched and placed in the rings. You can use our template file to help you trim and punch your pages. To punch, you'll just need a handheld, manual one-hole punch which you can buy from an office supply store for about one buck.

Use Your PassPorter For Other Trips
First, you can re-use your PassPorter Deluxe Binder for future trips to Walt Disney World -- just purchase a Refill Kit and you're all set! Second, you can use your PassPorter Binder for trips to places other than Walt Disney World. The Extra PassPockets work great for other family vacations, weekend getaways, and business trips... anytime when you need to organize your travel.

Slip Another Guide Into Your Binder
The large vertical pockets in your binder are designed to hold the front cover of a paperback travel guide. The paperback edition of PassPorter's Field Guide to the Disney Cruise Line fits perfectly into this slot.